Stálsmiðjan-Framtak is equipped to perform all maintenance on a ship, engine overhaul, hull replacements and repairs. The company has two slipways and a good harbor.
The history of Stalsmidjan ehf. extends back to the year 1933. Ship repairs and conversions have always been the mainstream of the company’s operations. The first steel boat to be built in Iceland was built by Stalsmidjan in 1955, a tugboat with 1000 hp main engine, for the Reykjavík Harbour Authorities. In 1962 Stalsmidjan also built the first Icelandic steel fishing boat. There is a long ship building tradition in the company, which has constructed and modified a total of 36 steel vessels, up to 68 meters in length. Stalsmidjan operates its own slipway in Reykjavík Harbour and a carpenter’s workshop, specialized in ship works and renovations of older woodwork.